====== Database Server Support ====== * **__Data Center Machines & Instances__** * **//ncdb2.geo.berkeley.edu//** * **DCUCB**.NCDB2.GEO.BERKELEY.EDU (UCB Data Center Database) * **UCBRCAT**.NCDB2.GEO.BERKELEY.EDU (UCB Recovery Catalog Database) * **//mnlodb1.mp.cisn.org//** * **DCMP2**.MNLODB1.MP.CISN.ORG (MP Data Center Database) * **MPRCAT2**.MNLODB1.MP.CISN.ORG (MP Recovery Catalog Database) * **//ncdb1.geo.berkeley.edu//** * **PUBLICDB**.NCDB1.GEO.BERKELEY.EDU (Public Database) * **PUBRCAT**.NCDB1.GEO.BERKELEY.EDU (Public Recovery Catalog Database) * **__Real Time Machines & Instances__** * **//ucbrt.geo.berkeley.edu//** * **RTUCB2**.UCBRT.GEO.BERKELEY.EDU (UCB Real Time Database) * **//mnlort1.mp.cisn.org//** * **RTMP2**.MNLORT1.MP.CISN.ORG (MP Real Time Database) * **__How to Start up a Database Instance__** * Log in as **oracle** OS user * Type **setenv ORACLE_SID //ORA_SID//** where __//ORA_SID//__ in {DCUCB,DCMP2,PUBLICDB,RTUCB2,RTMP2,...} * Type **sqlplus /nolog** * Type **connect / as sysdba** * Type **startup** * Wait until instance is up and type **quit** * Start the Oracle listener by typing **lsnrctl start** * **__How to Shut down a Database Instance__** * Log in as **oracle** OS user * Type **setenv ORACLE_SID //ORA_SID//** where //__ORA_SID__// in {DCUCB,DCMP2,PUBLICDB,RTUCB2,RTMP2,...} * Type **sqlplus /nolog** * Type **connect / as sysdba** * Type **shutdown immediate** * Wait until instance is down and type **quit** * Stop the Oracle listener by typing **lsnrctl stop** * **__How to Check if a Database Instance is Up?__** * Log in as **oracle** OS user * Type **setenv ORACLE_SID //ORA_SID//** where //__ORA_SID__// in {DCUCB,DCMP2,PUBLICDB,RTUCB2,RTMP2,...} * Type **sqlplus /nolog** * Type **connect / as sysdba** * If you get the message **Connected to idle instance**, the database instance is down * If you get the message **Connected**, the database instance is up * Type **quit** to exit SQL*Plus * **__Are there any Server Errors?__** * Log in as **oracle** OS user * Type **cd /home/oracle/diag/rdbms///ora_sid/ora_sid///trace/** where //__ora_sid__// in {dcucb,dcmp2,publicdb,rtucb2,rtmp2,...} * Look at latest entries in alert log by typing **tail -100 alert_//ora_sid//.log** where //__ora_sid__// in {dcucb,dcmp2,publicdb,rtucb2,rtmp2,...} * Look for eventual trace files in the same directory * **__Most Common Error Messages__** * **ORA-12012: //error on auto execute of job XXXX//** * **Cause**: An error was caught while doing an automatic execution of a job. * **Action**: Look at the accompanying errors for details on why the execute failed. If there are broken jobs, unschedule and reschedule those jobs. * **ORA-04031: //unable to allocate XXXX bytes of shared memory ("XXXX","XXXX","XXXX","XXXX")//** * **Cause**: Database's shared pool has become too fragmented and cannot find enough contiguous space to load object. * **Action**: Best thing to do is stop and restart the database to flush the shared pool. * **ORA-01653: //unable to extend table XXXX.XXXX by XXXX in tablespace XXXX//** * **Cause**: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a table segment in the tablespace indicated. * **Action**: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated. * **ORA-01110: //data file XXXX: "XXXX" and ORA-01116: error in opening database file XXXX//** * **Cause**: Usually the file is not accessible. * **Action**: Restore the database file. Consult DBA.