Note that most of the archive sets are defined on a network/year basis, so the most important thing is to see the size of each archive set. See my output below for non-2017 archive directories on /arch/xarch02-dh. I suggest updating and using the script /var/tmp/rsync_net_year and related file /var/tmp/net_year to migrate a network/year from one disk to another. 0. NEVER migrate an active (current year) archive set. 1. cd /var/tmp/ 2. edit rsync_net_year to define the desired indir and outdir. 3. edit net_year to list 1 or more net/year archive sets (eg directories) to be migrated from the disk specified in indir to the disk specified in outdir. 4. Run (as root) nohup ./rsync_net_year >> rsync_net_year.log 2>1 < /dev/null & 5. Check on the status of the rsync. When it is done (after a number of hours), check the log to ensure that there were no errors. To be sure, run it again in the foreground. ./rsync_net_year It should report no new files being rsyned. 6. Update the symlink for the net/year migraged, eg: /bin/rm /arch/BK/2005 && ln -s /arch/xarch05-dh/BK/2005 /arch/xarch/BK/ 7. Check the new link du -skh /arch/xarch/BK/2005/ 8. Release and stage several files in the migrated filesystem, eg /data/ncedc/BK/2005 and verify that the staged files are correct (eg run "qmerge -n" on them). 9. Remove the original directory, eg /bin/rm -rf /arch/xarch02-dh/BK/2005 [root@strike xarch02-dh]# du -skh */* | fgrep -v /2017 829G BK/2005 311G BP/2003 383G BP/2005 382G BP/2006 388G BP/2007 382G BP/2013 356G BP/2014 2.7G BP/raw 4.9G CE/2006 5.8G CE/2007 4.0K EGSEVT/2002 3.3G EGSEVT/2003 12G EGSEVT/2004 47G EGSEVT/2005 69G EGSEVT/2006 54G EGSEVT/2007 59G EGSEVT/2008 50G EGSEVT/2009 120G EGSEVT/2010 193G EGSEVT/2011 135G EGSEVT/2012 444G EGSEVT/raw 16G gps/glx 429G gps/raw 567G gps/rinex 18G gps/stage 90G gps/survey 1.1T NC/1995 305G NC/2000 1.1T NC/2001 1.7T NC/2004 1.7T NC/2009 2.1T NC/2013 2.0T NC/2014 12G NCEVT/1984 7.1G NCEVT/1985 12G NCEVT/1986 5.4G NCEVT/1987 5.5G NCEVT/1988 11G NCEVT/1989 9.1G NCEVT/1990 15G NCEVT/1991 20G NCEVT/1992 15G NCEVT/1993 13G NCEVT/1994 14G NCEVT/1995 13G NCEVT/1996 17G NCEVT/1997 19G NCEVT/1998 27G NCEVT/1999 17G NCEVT/2000 20G NCEVT/2001 21G NCEVT/2002 27G NCEVT/2003 54G NCEVT/2004 31G NCEVT/2005 24G NCEVT/2006 43G NCEVT/2007 4.0K NCEVT/2013 4.0K NCEVT/2014 26G NN/2000 91G NN/2006 99G NN/2009 4.0K NP/2000 529G NP/2006 557G NP/2009 8.2G PB/2005 31G PB/2006 73G PB/2007 1.2T PB/2013 214G PB/2014 70M PG/1987 213M PG/1988 150M PG/1989 121M PG/1990 105M PG/1991 98M PG/1992 59M PG/1993 72M PG/1994 71M PG/1995 81M PG/1996 74M PG/1997 67M PG/1998 2.8M PG/1999 47M PG/2000 70M PG/2001 145M PG/2002 1.8G PG/2003 6.2G PG/2004 2.2G PG/2005 114G PG/2007 266G PG/2013 257G PG/2014 36G rawdata/raw_calpine 900M rawdata/raw_scanner 4.0K SF/2003 4.0K SF/2004 4.0K SF/2005 19G SF/2006 359M SFEVT/2002 18G SFEVT/2003 14G SFEVT/2004 0 SFEVT/2005 0 SFEVT/2006 0 SFEVT/2007 0 SFEVT/2008 26G SF/misc 324G SF/raw 54G TA/2005 109G TA/2006 97G TA/2007 4.0K US/2009 12G WR/1999 3.9G WR/2000 48G WR/2004 58G WR/2005 60G WR/2006 55G WR/2008 55G WR/2009 117G WR/2010