===== SNCL Selection for AQMS Applications ===== Many AQMS applications have to be provided a list of SNCLs (Station-Network-Channel-Location) on which to work. This is done primarily through two database tables //Applications// and //AppChannels//. See the [[http://www.ncedc.org/db|Application Schema]] for details about these tables. The contents of these two tables is (with a few exceptions) controlled by a large SQL script //appChan.sql//. This script can be found on ucbpp and the test system //mono// in home/ncss/run/SQL. A backup copy is kept in ucbrt and mnlort1 and/or ncss3 in /home/ncss/run/SQL_DONT_USE/. The name is a reminder that use of the appChan.sql script should be done on ucbpp where several other tools are kept in /home/ncss/DBmaint/. The appChan.sql script is kept in CVS: any changes to the script must be checked into CVS, and updated at the other locations. Why is the appChan.sql script so complicated? Because it has to contain a lot of information that is not available anywhere else in NCSS: what SNCLs are to be used in each of several different applications. We have lots of different kinds of seismographic stations, receive data in may different forms from agencies outside NCSS, and have many constraints on what SNCLs should or should not be processed by parts of AQMS. There is structure to the appChan.sql script, based on where the various applications run: RT or post-processing system. This is also reflected in the //progid// values assigned in the //Applications// table: numbers below 100 are used for RT applications; numbers 100 and higher are used post-processing applications. Initial selection of SNCLs for these two groups is accomplished with a //database view//: **Active_Channels_View** for the RT applications, and **All_Channels_View** for most of the post-processing applications. Note that these two database views are not themselves used by any applications; they are only used within the appChan.sql script. The following table shows what is in the //Applications// table and what programs use each entry. ^ Progid ^ Application Name ^ Used By ^ | 1 | WDA_UCB | make_wda: creates WDA on UCB Net Services systems | | 2 | WDA_MENLO | make_wda: creates WDA on MP Net Services systems | | 6 | SVC_ADA_UCB | make_ada: creates ADA on UCB Net Services systems | | 7 | SVC_ADA_MENLO | make ada: creates ADA on MP Net Services systems | | 11 | RAD_UCB | rad2: processes waveforms on UCB Net Services | | 12 | RAD_MENLO | rad2: not currently used | 13 | RAD_MENLO_NC | rad2: processes non-NP waveforms which are relatively quiet.| | 14 | RAD_MENLO_NP | rad2: processes NP waveforms which are quite noisy | | 26 | RT_ADA | make_ada: creates ADA on RT systems | | 31 | CMAG | trimag: computes Ml magnitudes | | 36 | AMPGEN | ampgen: used by the early instance | | 37 | AMPGEN2 | ampgen: used by the late instance | | 46 | RCG-NCSS | rcg: generates request cards for binder events on RT systems| | 51 | RCG-NT | ntrcg2: generates request cards for subnet trigger events on RT systems | | 61 | TMTS-RT | tmts: computes moment tensors on RT systems | | 101 | PWS-NEW | pws: proxy wave servers for "current" waveforms | | 102 | PWS-ARCHIVE | pws: proxy wave servers for archived waveforms | | 111 | HypoinvMd | jiggle: review coda durations and magnitudes | | 113 | CISNml2 | jiggle: review Ml magnitudes | | 136 | AMPGEN-PP | ampgenpp: compute ground motion amps in post processing; rarely used | | 146 | RCG-TRINET | jiggle: uses this list to decide which SNCLs can be displayed | | 161 | TMTS | web tmts: reviewed moment tensors on rodgers and ucbpp | | 171 | MK_V0 | mkv0: create COSMOS V0 files for export to CGS | | 201 | FPFIT-VERTS | fpfit: PCS client to compute first motion mechanisms | What more can I say about this? Look at the appChan.sql script!