Program Name


PCS stream-state

ddrtDeleteCont generates simple delete messages and exports them to the real-time double-difference systems. The export mechanism can be email, scp to remote location, or two-step copy to a local directory such as the input directory for the sendfileII program.

The delete message is a file named “<EVID>.del”. It contains one line: DELETE <evid>. The ddrt systems take appropriate actions for this message.

Program Location

post-proc systems: /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/bin

Configuration File


Sample configuration file:

# Config file for delExport
# dbase: name of database to connect to for PCS work
dbase      dcucb
PCSgroup   TPP
PCStable   TPP
PCSstate   DeleteDDRT
# sleepTime: how long in seconds to wait to check for next event
sleepTime  30
# workDir: directory in which to create arc files
workdir    /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/delete/work
# Destinations: one or more of any of the following:
# Directories must already exist!
# Mail  email-address
# Dir   temp-dir final-dir
# SCP   scp-target like user@host:dist_dir
Dir  /home/ncss/run/send_arc_mnlodd1/temp /home/ncss/run/send_arc_mnlodd1/send
Source of Database name

Cpnfiguration file.

Cron Starter Program
8,18,28,38,48,58 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/bin/startDDRTDelete > /dev/null
Log File


Other Programs Called

/usr/bin/mailx, /usr/bin/scp for distributing the archive file.