Program Name


PCS stream-state

group: TPP table: TPP state: CANCELALARM


pcsCancelAlarmCont provides one of the connection points between the PCS system and the post processing alarm system. For each event found it the configured PCS stream-state, a CMS message is sent to the alarmdec_pp program (post-processing alarm) and to the alarmdec program on EACH of the real-time systems by means of the sendcancel program.

The goal of pcsCancelAlarmCont is to cancel any actions that may have been taken by the alarm systems for this event. But pcsCancelAlarmCont has no way of telling which alarm systems have emitted notifications. So pcsCancelAlarmCont tries to send the cancellation message to ALL of the alarm systems. The program (alarmevent) which publishes the alarm cancellation messages into CMS first queries the database of the alarm system in question. If no alarm actions have been scheduled or taken by that alarm system, then no cancellation message is sent to that alarm system.

This system needs to be monitored to see how it behaves when a real-time system is shut down such as for maintenance. Does it gracefully handle the inablity to connect to an alarm system database?

There is the possibility that an RT system could issue alarms for an event and then become inoperable. In that case, pcsCancelAlarmCont would not be able to cancel the alarms issued by that RT system. To ensure that an event deletionmessage gets submitted to PDL, pcsCancelAlarmCont run cancelEvtPrm2PDL for this action.

pcsAlarmCont runs the basic PCS client loop:

Program Location

post-proc systems: /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/

Configuration File


Source of Database name


Cron Starter Program
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/startPcsTasks
Log File


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