* Response thresholds
* Make sure you have an account for the Duty Review Pages
* Sign up at ENS for text earthquake notifications. It's useful to have:
* Text messaging the name of the game (pagers have been retired!)
* Foreshock/mainshock
* Teleseism causing phantom events
* Teleseism biasing magnitude of local events
* NCSS mislocated event - actual event is outside the NC authoritative region
Text below taken from Lind's January 2018 experience.
So, from the DRP I could see that these were real events. It was also clear that the event was located further away than our location (the predicted arrival times were poor - in particular, the predicted S-arrival times were way too early). Looking at the Web, I could see a solution from one of the tsunami warning centers (TWC) - and it was located further west - just outside of our authoritative polygon and far enough away that the algorithm that decides whether two submitted events are the same earthquake failed. As a result, there were two earthquakes on the web. I had three choices: 1. Move the NC event to the correct location. I could have relocated it in Jiggle (time consuming) or I could have set a fixed location in Jiggle (faster, but still requires effort and a location to fix it to). The tsunami warning center solution looked good - and the NEIC solution wasn't out yet - so I would have used the TWC solution. 2. Force an association between the TWC and the NC solutions. That could be done a couple of ways. A duty seismologist can call NEIC and ask them to do this. I was recently given access to the tool the NEIC uses - and I could have done this. If the association had been made, I think the result would have been for the NC event to be authoritative. So the two events would have reduced to one - but the one with the poorer solution. So a second step would have been to make the TWC solution authoritative (possible in the NEIC tool). 3. Cancel the event. I chose #3 for the M5.8 and then had buyer's remorse. NEIC strongly prefers 1 or 2. 3 - while ok in this case because the event really was outside the network - causes confusion because of the cancellation emails and the products can get "lost" when they are cancelled. I didn't try #2 - partly for an obscure problem in an application called CISN Display. If I had merged the events and made made the TWC solution authoritative, it would have corrected the web but not CISN Display. For the second event, I attempted #1. I went into Jiggle and entered the coordinates and origin time of the TWC solution. I screwed up somehow - Jiggle gives you a pop quiz when you do this and I apparently failed one of the questions. So after thrashing a bit, I cancelled it as well. I didn't perform particularly well for this event. I should have been more familiar with setting a fixed solution. Hal walked me through this yesterday so I am hopefully prepared if something happens this weekend.