Program Name


PCS stream-state

group: EventStream table: <dbase-name> state: SwarmAlarm


Swarmon monitors events (earthquakes) from the real-time systems to determine if a swarm of earthquakes is happening in one or more geographic regions.

Design Goals:

events exceeds an adjustable threshold.

The current implementation of the swarm monitor, called “swarmon”, is a perl script running as a client of the CISN Process Control System (PCS). It is being tested using events from the Geysers area (where geothermal energy extraction has resulted in numerous small earthquakes) a replay of a major swarm in the Long Valley area in 1997-1998.

The following attempts to describe the behavior of swarmon such that seismologists and other network operators can understand and evaluate the program's suitability.


The swarmon program is concerned with rates of earthquakes, always in events per hour. However because earthquakes are usually discrete events, the rate must be measured by counting events over some time interval. There are several places in the swarmon configuration where both rate thresholds and measurement intervals can be specified.

swarmon can be configured to monitor swarms in one or more geographical regions. A region is specified by a polygon of latitude and longitude points. The program assumes that these regions will not overlap; that is, any event is expected to lie in at most one swarm region.

As swarmon encounters new events from PCS, it queries the database to determine if the event lies within any of the swarm region. If the event occurred with a swarm region, then the event is recorded in the swarm_events database table along with the event origin time and region name, and that region's event rate is analyzed.

Swarm Detection

For each swarm region there is a configured base rate threshold and a detection time interval. The product of these two numbers gives a threshold number of events. The count time interval over which swarmon counts events ends at the current time, and goes back in time for the configured detection time interval but never before the last notification time. Each time a new event occurs within a swarm region, swarmon counts from the swarm_events table the number of events that have occurred during the above count time interval. If this number of events meets or exceeds the threshold number of events, then a swarm is declared to be in progress.

Note that the threshold number of event is always based on the configured detection time interval <DETECT_INTERVAL> and the threshold rate. But the count time interval may be shorter than the configured detection time since the count time interval will never start before the last notification time. The result is that when the threshold number of events is reached, the actual rate of events per hour may be higher than the threshold rate. This design was chosen to minimize the number of alarms generated for a given swarm. Once a given event is counted as part of one notification, it will NOT be counted as part of the following notification.

The following actions are taken when a swarm is first declared:

Earthquake swarm for <REGION NAME>
<X> events per hour since <START OF COUNT INTERVAL>
Swarm Alarm for <REGION NAME>

If the swarm continues with increasing rate, then the event rate may reach the now possibly enhanced threshold. The actions for this case are similar to the initial case:

Earthquake swarm for <REGION NAME> continues at increasing rate:
<X> events per hour since <START OF COUNT INTERVAL>
Swarm Alarm for <REGION NAME>

Thus the threshold rate may be adjusted higher as the swarm develops, provided that the configured increment factor is larger than 1.0.

Swarm Continuation Without Threshold Exceedance

After a swarm has been declared for a region, and after there has been no threshold exceedance for the duration of the configured NOTIFY_INTERVAL, the renotification timer will expire and perform the renotification procedure.

Earthquake swarm for <REGION NAME> continues:
<X> events per hour since <LAST NOTIFICATION TIME>.
The current alarm threshold is <Y> events per hour.
Swarm continues for <REGION NAME>
Swarm Abatement

After a swarm has been declared for a region, and after there has been no threshold exceedance for the duration of the configured RERATE_INTERVAL, the rerate timer will expire and perform the rerate procedure.

  Earthquake swarm terminated for <REGION NAME>
 Swarm Terminated for <REGION NAME>

The rerate procedure is designed to slowly reduce the current rate threshold as a swarm is ending, requiring that the actual swarm rate be low for an extended period of time before the swarm is declared to be over. By setting the turnoff threshold (which must be less than or equal to the base threshold) to a low value, you will extend the time before swarmon declares the swarm to be over. That will reduce the incidence of “flapping”, or rapid changes in state between “swarm in progress” and “swarm terminated”.

Program Restart

Since swarmon saves its state to database every time there is a state change, swarmon can be stopped and restarted at any time on either of the post-proc systems, such as for a configuration change or system maintenance. On startup, swarmon reads any state information from the database after it has read its configuration. For any swarms which were in progress at the time of shutdown, swarmon will set the appropriate timers to continue monitoring the swarm. If any timers would have expired during the shutdown period, swarmon will set new timers to expire shortly after startup. This allows swarmon to process any pending events in PCS before the renotification and rerate procedures are run.

Program Location

post-proc systems: /home/ncss/ncpp/swarmon/bin

Configuration Files

Sample configuration file:

# Database connection parameters:
DB_USER = ncpp
DB_NAME = dcucb
# PCS parameters:
PCS_GROUP = EventStream
PCS_TABLE = dcucb
PCS_STATE = SwarmAlarm
# time interval in seconds between queries to PCS tables:
# Directory where config files are found:
CONF_DIR = /home/ncss/ncpp/swarmon/config
# Directory where log files are written:
LOG_DIR = /home/ncss/ncpp/swarmon/logs
# Number of days to keep old events in swarm_event table:
# swarm region config files; use as many as needed, one per line:
SWARM_CONF = Long_Valley
SWARM_CONF = Shasta-Tennant-Medicine_Lake

Sample SWARM_CONF file:

# long name of swarm region (spaces permitted)
NAME = Long Valley
# region name as known to database (no spaces allowed here)
REGION = Long_Valley
# Minimum magnitude for event to be counted by swarmon
MINMAG = 1.0
# The largest time interval in hours over which the rate is deremined:
# The base rate in events per hour above which a swarm is declared:
# The rate in events per hour below which the swarm is declared terminated:
# Factor by which base rate is multiplied each time threshold is exceeded:
# Interval in hours of no threshold exceedance after which adjustable
# threshold will be re-evaluated:
# Interval in hours of no threshold exceedance after which a "swarm continues"
# email will be sent:
# email address to notify of swarm alarm, continuation, and termination.
# multiple addresses can be listed on one line, separated by commas, no spaces.
# Repeat this command as necessary for more addresses:
# Margaret Mangan cell phone:
# David Shelly cell phone:
# Cal OES people:
# pager/qpage name to notify of swarm alarm.
# multiple names can be listed on one line, separated by commas, no spaces.
# Repeat this command as necessary for more names:
NOTIFY_PAGE = ncss-alert,mangan,croker
# For Menlo Park:
# NOTIFY_PAGE = eqalarm,mangan,croker
Source of Database name

Configuration file.

Cron Starter Program
9,19,29,39,49,59 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/swarmon/bin/startSwarmon > /dev/null
Log File


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