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Steps to archive yearly station PSD plots

This is usually done at the beginning of the year, e.g. Jan 3, 4, or 5, 2023. You can replace 2023 with your desired year.
  • Make sure PDF cron-job runs on rodgers
/home/ncss/PDF/bin/pdf_master 2>&1
/home/ncss/PDF/bin/summaryPlotsR.csh > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Check yearly PSD plots available
cd /data/dc14/PDF/WWW/
ls -lt *2023*  (If ls returns timeout, then try the followings)
ls /data/dc14/PDF/WWW|grep -c 2023
ls /data/dc14/PDF/WWW | grep 2023 | less 
  • Create last year's archive folder
cd /data/dc14/PDF/archive
mkdir 2023
  • Create last year's archive subfolders: WWW & html
cd /data/dc14/PDF/archive/2023
mkdir WWW html
  • Move PSD plots to archive folder
ls /data/dc14/PDF/WWW | grep 2023 | while read i; do rsync -av "$i" /data/dc14/PDF/archive/2023/WWW; done
find /data/dc14/PDF/WWW -name \*2023\* -exec rsync -av '{}' /data/dc14/PDF/archive/2023/WWW \;
  • Move PSD html to archive folder
cp /data/dc14/PDF/html/*2023* /data/dc14/PDF/archive/2023/html
cd /home/dc2/httpd/html/ncedc/PDF
vi index.html (Add 2023 to archive session)
general/psd_plots.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/04 14:50 by jzhang