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How To move DART data feeds

  • USGS feed from using the Internet to alternate paths over the CISN T1 or NCSS T1 circuits:

In the file “run_dart_ncsn” the “source” variable is used to specify which hostname (and indirectly, which data path) should be used for the source of the “ringmsarchive” connection.

Set in script: Used in script:
Usage run_dart_ncsn run_ringmsarchive
Normal source = ncsn = Internet
Alt: source = cisn = CISN T1
Alt: source = ncss = NCSS T1

1. Shut down all of the NSCN and UCB data feeds:

sh /etc/init.d/dart stop

2. Edit the run_dart_ncsn script (keeping an original copy first!) to change the source of one or more of the run_ringmsarchive lines. Suggestions are:

  • Put the 3 (out of 4) NC_* feed on the CISN T1.
  • Put 1 (out of 4) NC_* and the NP feed on the NCSS T1.

3. Update the state files in $DARTHOME/params for any changed telemetry. This required a new name for the state files (using the new “source”), and a change of the hostname in the state file FOR EACH CHANGE.

  • Example: if you change NC_1 from “ncsn” to “cisn”:
    • cp NC_1.ncsn.state NC_1.cisn.state
    • Edit NC_1.cisn.state to change hostname to

4. Restart the NCSN and UCB data feeds:

sh /etc/init.d/dart restart

5. Check the latencies with:

dart_mon -d2
  • USGS feed from mnlons1 to mnlons2:

In the file “run_ringmsarchive” the “source” variable is used to specify which hostname (and indirectly, which data path) should be used for the source of the “ringmsarchive” connection.

To change from source computer from mnlons1 to mnlons2:

1. Shut down all of the UCB and USGS data feeds:

sh /etc/init.d/dart stop

2. Edit the run_ringmsarchive (keeping an original copy first!) to change all occurrences of mnlons1 to mnlons2.

3. Rename all of the *.state files in $DARTHOME/params that contain mnlons1 to mnlons2.

cd $DARTHOME/params
perl -p -i.bak -e "s/mnlons1/mnlons2/g" *.ncsn.state


mkdir save
mv *.ncsn.state save/

4. If the outage has been less than 2 hours, you can uncomment the line:

#set flush = '-F'

in the file $DARTHOME/run_dart_ncsn to avoid possible data overlap with data from mnlons1 and mnlons2. The “flush” flag tells the client to ignore any existing data in the ringserver. If you do this, remember to re-comment this string after you restart the dart processes (for subsequent restarts).

5. Restart the NCSN and UCB data feeds:

sh /etc/init.d/dart restart

6. Check the latencies with:

dart_mon -d2
  • UCB latency feed from ucbns1 to ucbns2:

In the file “run_ringmsarchive” the “source” variable is used to specify which hostname (and indirectly, which data path) should be used for the source of the “ringmsarchive” connection.

To change from source computer from ucbns1 to ucbns2:

1. Shut down all of the UCB and USGS data feeds:

sh /etc/init.d/dart stop

2. Edit the run_ringmsarchive (keeping an original copy first!) to change ucbns1 by ucbns2 where the source is 'ucblat'.

3. Rename all of the *.ucblat.state files in $DARTHOME/params that contain ucbns1 to ucbns2.

cd $DARTHOME/params
perl -p -i.bak -e "s/ucbns1/ucbns2/g" *.ucblat.state


mkdir save
mv *.ucblat.state save/

4. If the outage has been less than 2 hours, you can uncomment the line:

#set flush = '-F'

in the file $DARTHOME/run_dart_ucb_latency to avoid possible data overlap with data from ucbns1 and ucbns2. The “flush” flag tells the client to ignore any existing data in the ringserver. If you do this, remember to re-comment this string after you restart the dart processes (for subsequent restarts).

5. Restart the NCSN and UCB data feeds:

sh /etc/init.d/dart restart

6. Check the latencies with:

dart_mon -d2
operations/db_ncedc/dart_move.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/13 09:16 by stephane