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Tomcat Log Files

  • On slip (as root), compress the tomcat (/home/slip/tomcat/logs/) log files and move them to the yearly directory.

Data Distribution

Every month new log files are created, and the old ones are renamed with a suffix (except on quake).

  • On quake: (as root)
    • Rename httpd log file, e.g.:
[root@quake log]# cd /home/httpd/logs/
[root@quake logs]# cp access_log-20190701 access_log.2019.06
  • On strike: (as dcmgr)
    • After the first of every month, you should run:
cd /data/dc5/reporting.NCEDC/bin
    where = year and month, eg ./Get_month 2017.06
    The files get copied, uncompressed (if compressed), and gzipped into a directory
    where = year and month, eg ./Process_month 2017.06
  • Once the files have been retrieved from:
    • /home/httpd/logs on quake (access_log)
    • /home/dcdata/log on strike, slip, dip
  • Delete those monthly files from those hosts (except on quake).
  • Remove duplicate log file on quake, e.g.:
[root@quake log]# rm /home/httpd/logs/access_log.2019.06

Data Services


dip:    SWS DART (datadist.log) (From 2018.08)
strike: SWS Archive (datadist.log) (From 2018.04)
slip:   Web Services (datadist_wss.log) (From 2017.10)
quake:  HTTP (access_log)


[dip (Solaris): NETDC BREQ_FAST EVT_FAST (datadist.log), Web_Services (datadist_wss.log) (Up to 2017.12)]
[rake: SWS (datadist.log) (Up to 2018.04)]
[hugo: SWS (datadist.log) (Up to 2018.08)]
[slip: BREQ_FAST (datadist.log) (Up to 2020.06)]
[quake: FTP (xferlog) (Up to 2022.05)]
operations/db_ncedc/syslog_cleanup.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/02 17:14 by stephane