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Waveform Archiver

Starting and Stopping wanc

All the waveform archiving processes must be run as user dcmgr so that they have permission to write files on the NCEDC waveform filesystems.

Each instance of wanc has its own run script, e.g. run_wanc_NC. These scripts take one argument: either start or stop. There are also scripts run_all_wancs and stop_all_wancs. All these scripts are in the /home/dcmgr/run/bin directory on the post-processing systems.

wanc will not stop immediately. If it is processing a batch of request cards, it will continue until that batch is finished. Sometimes when wanc is idle, it will fail to stop. It's OK to give it a kill -9.

The wancs are NOT started automatically during the boot process. The consequences of having two sets of wancs running (on each of the post processing systems) are so bad that we only start the wanc processes by hand.

It's best to turn off alarming before you stop the wancs; otherwise a bunch of alarms go out.

In ~dcmgr/run/params, edit monitor.conf: comment out each of the “wanc” lines. Then do “run_monitor restart” to tell monitor to re-read its config file.

When you have restarted the wancs, be sure to uncomment the wanc lines and do “run_monitor restart” again.

operations/db_ncedc/wa.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/02 22:18 by stephane