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PCS stream-state
  • group: EventStream table: <dbase-name> state: ddrtFeed
  • group: TPP table: TPP state: ddrtFeed

ddrtFeedCont creates hypoinverse archive files (using dbselect) and exports them to the real-time double-difference systems. The export mechanism can be email, scp to remote location, or two-step copy to a local directory such as the input directory for the sendfileII program.

There are two instances of ddrtFeedCont running on the active post-proc system. One handles new events from the EventStream-<dbase-name>-ddrtFeed stream-state. The other handles events that have been finalized, in the TPP-TPP-ddrtFeed stream-state. These two instances work in the /home/ncss/dertFeed/prelim and /home/ncss/ddrtFeed/final directories, respectively.

To qualify for submission to the ddrt systems, an event must meet the following criteria:

  • be of type eq (earthquake)
  • be in the NC geographic region
  • be an active event; i.e. not deleted from the catalog

Events which do not meet the above criteria will have a delete message generated for them. This is useful for reviewed events whose properties previously qualified it for ddrt but now need to be removed from the ddrt catalog.

Events which have been deleted from the catalog normally are processed by the companion program ddrtDeleteCont.

Program Location

post-proc systems: /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/bin

Configuration Files

/home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/prelim/config/ddrtFeed.conf /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/final/config/ddrtFeed.conf

Sample configuration file:

# Config file for arcExport
# dbase: name of database to connect to for PCS work
dbase      dcucb
PCSgroup   EventStream
PCStable   dcucb
PCSstate   ddrtFeed
# sleepTime: how long in seconds to wait to check for next event
sleepTime  30
# delay: how long in seconds to wait after event is posted to this
# state before we act
# Incrased from 30 to 60 2009/09/06
delay      60
# workDir: directory in which to create arc files
workdir    /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/prelim/work
# netcode: prefix to event ID in file names
netcode   NC
# region: name of gazetteer_region in which events must be located
# to qualify for DDRT
region   NC
# etype: one or more event etypes for events to be eligible for DDRT
# Separate etypes by spaces.
etype   eq
# ConnectConfig: path to dbselect's file
connectConfig /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/prelim/config/
# Destinations: one or more of any of the following:
# Directories must already exist!
# Mail  email-address
# Dir   temp-dir final-dir
# SCP   scp-target like user@host:dist_dir
Dir  /home/ncss/run/send_arc_mnlodd1/temp /home/ncss/run/send_arc_mnlodd1/send
Source of Database name

Configuration file.

Cron Starter Program
6,16,26,36,46,56 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/bin/startDDRTFeed prelim > /dev/null
7,17,27,37,47,57 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/bin/startDDRTFeed final > /dev/null
Log File

/home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/prelim/logs/ddrtFeed.log /home/ncss/ncpp/ddrtFeed/final/logs/ddrtFeed.log

Other Programs Called

/usr/local/bin/dbselect: Parametric Information Query Engine /usr/bin/mailx, /usr/bin/scp for distributing the archive file

postproc/ddrtfeedcont.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/05 11:09 by millpaul