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Program Name


PCS stream-state

group: TPP table: TPP state: MakeDRPGif


finalDRPcont runs programs to generate the waveform image (snapshot) for the Duty Review Page for events that have been finalized by a jiggle user. If the event magnitude is 2.5 or larger, a synopsis waveform image is also generated. The resulting images are then copied using scp to a configured list of remote destinations such as the Duty Review Page web server.

This is a nice-to-have feature that may prove unnecessary. It's not clear how many people will look at an event in the Duty Review Page after it has already been timed using jiggle. If other destinations are identified for these images, then finalDRPcont will prove to be useful.

finalDRPcont runs a modified PCS loop:

  • queries for the next event in its assigned stream-state
  • if an event is found and is less than 7 days old, fork off a child process to handle that event
  • the parent program will not let more than 2 processes run; if necessary it waits for a child to finish before starting the next one. This is to minimize the load on wave servers for this task.
  • the parent process set the stream-state event result to 1 immediately.
  • the child process runs snapGif to generate the snapshot image.
  • if the event magnitude is 2.5 or greater, the child process runs synopsgif to generate the synopsis image.
  • the child process copies the resulting image files using scp to destinations listed in targetURL.cfg
  • the child process runs cleanup on the local and remote image directories to delete files more than 7 days old.
  • if no event is found, the parent program sleeps 30 seconds and repeats the loop
Program Location

post-proc systems: /home/ncss/ncpp/drp/bin

Configuration Files
Source of Database name

command line

Cron Starter Program
1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/drp/bin/startDRP dcucb
Log File


Other Programs Called
  • /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/snapGif: runs the java class org.trinet.web.SnapGif to produce the snapshot image
  • /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/synopsgif: runs the java class org.trinet.apps.SnapShotFromList to produce the synopsis image. /home/ncss/ncpp/drp/conf/synopsis.list lists the SNCLs to be included in the synopsis image.
  • /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/cleanup: deletes files older than 7 days from the directory specified on its command line.
  • /usr/bin/ssh, /usr/bin/scp: used for communication with remote machines
postproc/finaldrpcont.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/09 15:48 by