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Program Name


PCS stream-state

group: EventStream table: <database name> state: MakeDRPGif


makeDRPcont runs programs to generate the waveform image (snapshot) for the Duty Review Page for new events. If the event magnitude is 2.5 or larger, a synopsis waveform image is also generated. The resulting images are then copied using scp to a configured list of remote destinations such as the Duty Review Page web server.

makeDRPcont runs a modified PCS loop:

  • queries for the next event in its assigned stream-state
  • if an event is found and is less than 7 days old, fork off a child process to handle that event
  • the parent program will not let more than 2 processes run; if necessary it waits for a child to finish before starting the next one. This is to minimize the load on wave servers for this task.
  • the parent process set the stream-state event result to 1 immediately.
  • the child process runs snapGif to generate the snapshot image.
  • if the event magnitude is 2.5 or greater, the child process runs synopsgif to generate the synopsis image.
  • the child process copies the resulting image files using scp to destinations listed in targetURL.cfg
  • the child process runs cleanup on the local and remote image directories to delete files more than 7 days old.
  • if no event is found, the parent program sleeps 30 seconds and repeats the loop
Program Location

post-proc systems: /home/ncss/ncpp/drp/bin

Configuration Files
Source of Database name

command line

Cron Starter Program
1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/drp/bin/startDRP dcucb
Log File


Other Programs Called
  • /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/snapGif: runs that java class org.trinet.web.SnapGif to produce the snapshot image
  • /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/synopsgif: runs the java class org.trinet.apps.SnapShotFromList to produce the synopsis image. /home/ncss/ncpp/drp/conf/synopsis.list lists the SNCLs to be included in the synopsis image.
  • /home/ncss/ncpp/bin/cleanup: deletes files older than 7 days from the directory specified on its command line.
  • /usr/bin/ssh, /usr/bin/scp: used for communication with remote machines
postproc/makedrpcont.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/09 15:50 by