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Program Name


PCS stream-state

group: EventStream table: <dbase-name> state: TrigCheck


trigCheckCont and related programs are experimental code to evaluate the association between subnet triggers and binder event detections. The actual association is performed by tc2, the trigger coordinator.

Events are fed into the “EventStream-<dbase-name>-TrigCheck” state from CMS messages published by ntrcg2 on the active RT system via sigswitch sigswitch_trigger.cfg on each RT system and two instances of runner trig_postit_runner_*.cfg on each post-proc system. These messages indicate that FIXME: see tc2 and ntrcg2 code.

As a PCS client trigCheckCont gets event IDs of the selected stream-state. It queries the database for event age, the subnet trigger id (AssocNtE.ntid) and source (AssocNtE.subsource). If the event is not too old (seven days max), trigCheckCont runs trigcheck on the event.

Trigcheck does the actual work for one subnet trigger ID. (Trigcheck can also be given a file listing subnet trigger IDs to process, or a time interval for which to query the database for trigger IDs.) It does some database queries about the subnet trigger and any binder events nearby in time to the subnet trigger, and writes a data file for each binder event nearby to the subnet trigger. Then it creates time-distance plots to show the station triggers and phase picks.

The plots and data files get copied to the DRP web servers. The data and plots can be viewed here:

Program Location


Configuration File

None; all configurable parameters are within trigCheckCont (perl script).

Source of Database name


Cron Starter Program
1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * /home/ncss/ncpp/trigCheck/bin/startTrigCheck dcucb > /dev/null
Log File
Other Programs Called
several GMT programs in /usr/local/gmt/bin
postproc/trigcheckcont.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/05 11:11 by millpaul