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Runner and eqrun

The two AQMS programs runner and eqrun do mostly the same things. They are CMS clients that subscribe to a configured subject. The CMS message is expected to contain an event ID. These two programs then run a configured command with the event ID being the sole argument to this command.

The difference between runner and eqrun is this: eqrun queries the configured database to see if that system is in the primary role or not. If it is primary, then the command is executed; otherwise it is not. runner does not query the database; it always runs its command.

The configuration files for runner and eqrun are standard AQMS files. Of course the configuration for eqrun needs to include database connection parameters.

Sample configuration for runner:

# General configuration parameters
CMSConfig       /home/ncss/run/params/cmsRTucb.cfg
SystemSubject   /system/control
StatusSubject   /process/reports/status
DebugSubject    /process/reports/debug
InfoSubject     /process/reports/info
ErrorSubject    /process/reports/error

Logfile         /home/ncss/run/logs/event_postit_runner_ucb
LoggingLevel    2
HSInterval      30

# Application configuration parameters
EventSubject                    /signals/RTUCB/event
Script                          /home/ncss/run/bin/event_postit

Sample configuration for eqrun:

RTDBService             rtmp
RTDBUser                joe-user
RTDBPasswd              PASSWORD
MyName                  eqrun_rcg

CMSConfigFile           /home/ncss/run/params/cms.cfg
EventChannelName        /signals/trimag/magnitude
ProgramToRun            /home/ncss/run/bin/run_rcg
DebugMode               off
rtem/runner_eqrun.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/26 14:47 by